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Mahidol University
Title Students who passed the First Round of English Proficiency Examination, Academic Year 2012/13
  PDF Files   |    Score of Doctoral Level   |    Score of Master's Level Post Date August 1, 2012

The Faculty of Graduate Studies held the First English Proficiency Examination for graduate students on July 21, 2012.

The students who passed the English Proficiency Examination, and have acquired the English competence standard, as set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, are categorized into 3 groups:

  1. the students who pursue a doctoral degree and achieved a minimum score of 500,
  2. the students who pursue a master’s degree level (International Program) and achieved a minimum score of 45, and
  3. the students who pursue a master’s degree level (Thai Program) and achieved a minimum score of 40  

Those students who have passed the First English Proficiency Examination are listed below.


Faculty of Science
5437451      SCPY/D              MR. RUCHIPAS           BAVONTAWEEPANYA
5238739      SCMA/D             MR. NGUYEN DANG HOA NGHIEM
5104075      SCMI/D              MISS ANUNYA            OPASAWATCHAI
5436012      SCMI/D              MR. CLEMENT CHEDZA MAGWAMBA

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia
5236068      LCLG/D              MISS PARADA            DECHAPRATUMWAN

Faculty of Engineering
                 Biomedical Engineering
5338404      EGBE/D               MR. WEERAYUTH          CHANAPAI

Faculty of Physical Therapy
                 Physical Therapy
5336067      PTPT/D               MISS KALAYA               KONGWATTANAKUL

Faculty of Medical Technology
                 Medical Technology
5537716      MTMT/D             MISS PIYADA                NANAKORN

Faculty of Science & Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital & Faculty of Dentistry & Faculty of Tropical Medicine
                 Molecular Medicine
5236633      SCMM/D             MISS PANJAREE            SIWAPONANAN


Faculty of Science
                 Forensic Science
5537960     SCFS/M            MISS SIRINYA               BUANAK
5537961     SCFS/M            MISS SUCHAYA             JULAYANONT

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
                 Educational Management
5338058     SHEM/M           MISS CHUNYUN            ZHAO
5537832     SHEM/M           MR. PEMA                   CHOIDAR
5537833     SHEM/M           MR. PASANG                WANGDI
5537834     SHEM/M           MR. DORJI                  TSHERING
5537835     SHEM/M           MR. DHAN BAHADUR TAMANG
5537836     SHEM/M           MR. DAWA SANGAY SHERPA
5537837     SHEM/M           MR. CHIMI                  TSHEWANG
5537838     SHEM/M           MR. CHEWANG             DORJI
5537839     SHEM/M           MR. KARMA
5537840     SHEM/M           MR. NAMGYAL             TSHERING
5537841     SHEM/M           MRS. NETEN                LHAMO
5537842     SHEM/M           MRS. SONAM               WANGMO
5537843     SHEM/M           MR. TASHI                   WANGCHUK
5537844     SHEM/M           MR. TSHEWANG
5537845     SHEM/M           MR. YESHI                   DORJI

Institute for Innovative Learning
                 Science and Technology Education
5536882     ILSE/M             MR. TSHEWANG            NAMGYEL
5536883     ILSE/M             MR. UGYEN                 DORJI
5536885     ILSE/M             MR. KINLEY
5536886     ILSE/M             MR. SONAM                CHOEGYAL
5536887     ILSE/M             MISS SUSHMIKA            TAMANG
5536888     ILSE/M             MRS. NAMGAY             LHADEN

Faculty of Pharmacy
                 Clinical Pharmacy
5537579     PYCP/M           MISS WITCHUTA PHADCHOO
5537578     PYCP/M           MISS PHATCHAREEPORN           TEDTAISONG
                 Biopharmaceutical Sciences
5537599     PYBS/M            MISS PATTARAWAN       RUANGSUJ

Faculty of Public Health
5536896     PHMP/M           MISS DASHZEVEG          DELGERMAA

Faculty of Tropical Medicine
                 Tropical Medicine
5338184     TMTM/M          DR. NHU THANH HUNG
5337891     TMTM/M          MISS RAPEEPAN            PRASERTBUN

International College
                 International Hospitality Management
5338921     ICTH/M            MISS SABAIJOM            CHITPANORAK


Faculty of Science
                 Polymer Science and Technology
5236986      SCPO/M           MISS SIRINAN               KHOMKHUM

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
                 Public Policy and Public Management
5537631      SHPP/M           MR. CHATKASEM           DASRI
5538029      SHPP/M           MISS BENJARAT            SAKUNJARUEK
                 Criminology and Criminal Justice
5436937      SHCJ/M           MISS NATTHAPORN        SOKANTAD
5536433      SHCJ/M           PHRAMAHA SOMCHAI     CHAMPATHONG
                 Medical and Health Social Sciences
5437761      SHMS/M           MRS. YAOWARES           SATHIYOS
                 Environmental Social Sciences
5537073      SHSS/M            MISS NUTTHA              THONGCHUAY

Faculty of Public Health
5537539      PHPH/M           MISS DUANGRUTHAI       SAMRIT
                 Health Administration
5236223      PHPH/M           MR. SANYA                  MUANPOTHONG
                 Health Education and Behavioral Sciences
5336754      PHPH/M           MR. SMITTHIKORN         YENWATTANA
                 Occupational Health and Safety
5536971      PHOH/M          MR. PEERAYUT             RATTANASELANON

Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
5537446      SIAN/M            MISS SIRIN                   SITTISUWANNASIN

Radiological Science
5537246      SIRS/M             MR. JONGWAT              CHEEWAKUL

Faculty of Engineering
                 Computer Engineering
5438809      EGCO/M           MR. PONGPAN              KOOMSAP
                 Electrical Engineering
5438195      EGEE/M            MR. PARINYA                OTARAWANNA
                 Technology of Information System Management
5537934      EGTI/M            MR. PARNUMAS            NINKASEAM

Faculty of Dentistry
                 Pediatric Dentistry
5537782      DTPD/M           Dental Surgeon PIYANUCH        YONGRUNGREANG
5537783      DTPD/M           Dental Surgeon RATANA-ON      JUHONG
5537784      DTPD/M           Dental Surgeon AMORNWAN      CHOUYRAUNG

ASEAN Institute for Health Development
5536431      ADAD/M           MRS. ANURADEE           CHEEWANGKOOL
5537990      ADAD/M           MR. CHAIDAN               JUMNONGKUL

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital
                 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
5437882      RAMH/M          MR. CHINOROS             POTHICHAN
5437884      RAMH/M          MRS. KANOKRAT           BUPPHA

College of Music
5537433      MSMS/M          MISS WISSANU              HASAKOOL


  English Proficiency Examination Score(Doctoral Level Students) Round 1/2012
  (Test Date : July 21, 2012)
  English Proficiency Examination Score (Master's Level Students) Round 1/2012
  (Test Date : July 21, 2012)

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- International Networking and Business Promotion Section
tel 0-2441-4125 ext. 221-222

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Graduate Studies
Mahidol University