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Mahidol University
The 60th Year Supreme Reign of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej


  1. To maintain the value placed by His Majesty the King on higher education on the occasion of the anniversary of the coronation of the world’s longest reigning monarch, an educational scholarship is created entitled “The 60th Year Supreme Reign of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej” with the objective of encouraging students and society at large to recognize His Majesty’s royal grace, unmatched and undiminished in His Majesty’s role as the “Development Monarch”. 
  2. To honor, glorify and celebrate His Majesty the King’s 80 birthday on December 5, 2007. 
  3. To expand the opportunity to perform beneficial work by extending educational opportunity to those in need as a charitable contribution in honor of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
  4. To support students with excellent academic records and strong potential to continue their education at the master’s and/or doctorate level at Mahidol University and, this way, support human resource development for the next generation of Thai adults.
  5. To support the policy of increasing the number of graduates with master’s and/or doctoral degrees in various fields of study of importance to Thailand’s progress and development, and to increase the number of Thai technical experts and research specialists in the process.



  1. Students can apply who intend to enter master’s or doctoral degree programs during the 2010 academic year in either the domestic or international curricula under the administration of an academic program/faculty/institute/college of Mahidol University which is listed as eligible for the scholarship.  A list of the eligible programs is given at the end of the scholarship announcement in the admissions handbook for the 2010 academic year.

  2. For applicants for the master’s degree level scholarship, applicants must have successfully completed their bachelor’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.25.  Students who are in the final academic term toward completion of a bachelor’s degree and have a GPA of least 3.25 (inclusive of the previous term’s grades for the current academic year) and who are scheduled to successfully graduate in time to begin the 2010 master’s program are also eligible to apply.

  3. For the scholarship for the doctoral level of study, applicants must have completed a master’s degree or are currently enrolled in a master’s degree program and who are on schedule to successfully graduate in time to begin the first term of the doctoral program for the 2010 academic year.
    3.1  The applicant’s GPA is at least 3.50.  Applicants with publications in academic or technical journals which have been accepted by international databases will be given special consideration (based on the documented evidence provided).
    3.2  TOEFL computer-based score of at least 173, or an IELTS score of at least 5.5, or a TOEFL internet-based score of at least 61, or a score of at least 500 for the TOEFL-ITP as administered by the International Language Program Office of Mahidol University.

  4. For those students with bachelor’s degrees who have applied for special doctoral programs, applicants for scholarships must have successfully completed the bachelor’s degree or are on schedule to complete the requirements for the degree in 2009 and have a GPA of at least 3.5.

  5. Applicants for both master’s and doctoral level scholarships must have passed the written examination for higher education in one of the eligible academic programs as administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies of Mahidol University prior to the first term of the 2010 academic year.   Scholarship applicants should submit their completed applications directly to the academic program of interest before or on the day of the interview for applicants who have passed the screening test.

Number of loans

Not to exceed 60 scholarship


Successful applicants will be required to sign a scholarship agreement.  Financial support will commence with the first term of the relevant academic program applied for.



Graduate Loans


To help students who have financial problems by providing a loan for payment of tuition fees during registration in the first and second semester.


  1. The applicant must be a graduate student who has been enrolled as a new student for at least one year, and who has financial difficulties.
  2. The applicant must not be a debtor of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
  3. The applicant must be a good student and approved by the chairman or advisor of the program.


Amount 20,000 baht per loan

Number of loans

20 loans available

Application time

  1. The applicant can submit the application form at any branch of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and at the Student Services Section, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Salaya from Friday July 28th until Tuesday October 24th, 2006
  2. The Faculty of Graduate Studies will not consider any uncompleted applications

Citeria for selection and scholarship process

  1. The judgement of the committee is final.
  2. FGS will announce the first result on Friday 27th October, 2006 at Faculty of Graduate Studies Building (Salaya) and branch offices and via
  3. FGS will interview the applicants on Tuesday 31st October, 2006 at the Students Services Office, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Graduate Studies Building (Salaya)
  4. FGS will announce the final result on Friday 10th September, 2006 at the Faculty of Graduate Studies Building (Salaya) and branch offices and via
  5. The applicant who is approved for the loan must co-sign the contract with the person who has supported their application on Monday 13th September, 2006, at the Student Services Office, the Faculty of Graduate Studies Building (Salaya)
  6. If the applicant does not obtain the co-signature as specified in 6.5 FGS will terminate the graduate loan.

How to get the graduate loan and how to pay it back

  1. The applicant who gets the graduate loan can receive the money 5 working days after signing the contract.
  2. The applicant who gets the graduate loan must payback the money to the FGS within six month by paying in installments on the dates from the 1st to the 5th of every month. The first payment must be made in December.
  3. If the applicant makes the payment later than the 5th day of the month, he or she will be liable to a fine of 200 baht per day that payment is not made.


If an applicant who has received a graduate loan stops studying during the semester for any reason, the applicant must pay back the loan to the FGS as soon as the FGS requests it.


Scholarships for Graduate Research Presentations at National Level Seminars


To develop graduate students' ability to advance the quality of work at national and international presentation levels.


Applicants must have passed a thesis proposal exam, and be accepted to present their research work in a national seminar.


Registration, travelling and accommodation fees.

Application time

Year round application

Graduate Thesis Publication Awards


To promote international level publishable research, and increase the academic experience of students.


Applicants must have been:
    1. published in an international journal OR

Amount and Number

Publication Awards 10
Presentation Awards 10


Master's degree level 20,000 baht
Doctoral degree level 30,000 baht

Application time

November - April

Awards for Graduates with Distinction


To reward and honor graduates who have graduated with a distinction and to enhance the quality of Mahidol graduate education.


Applicants must be graduates with good conduct who have a GPA of at least 3.9 and who have graduated within the time limit of the program. Applicants must also have given an oral presentation at an international seminar or have published their work in an international journal.


A plaque, a certificate of honor, entry to the Dean's list at the Faculty of Graduate Studies and a note on an award recipient's degree transcript.

Application time

January to September

Distinguished Thesis Awards


To promote high quality theses and to enhance the reputation of graduate program students and the thesis advisor.


The thesis must be present study done alone and written by a graduate student of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University. The thesis research result must be published in recognized academic journals and/or research result.

     - has acquired a patent,
     - has been put into use,
     - has potential application,
     - has been presented at academic conference.


Awards and considered for the 4 disciplinary groups (ÚBiological Science, Physical Science and Technology, Health Science, Humanities, Social Science and Education)

Distinguished Thesis Award winner
     - 50,000 baht for Doctoral level / disciplinary group
     - 30,000 baht for Master's degree level / disciplinary group

Distinguished Thesis Award honourable mention
     - 25,000 baht for Doctoral level / disciplinary group
     - 15,000 baht for Master's degree level / disciplinary group

Application time

May - September

Research Assistantships (RA)


To provide research assistantships to doctoral students so that students educational and research abilities can conduct research for their thesis full time and can produce research at an international level while studying and after graduating.


Applicants must be Thai or foreign students who are studying in a doctoral program affiliated with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. They must not accept educational scholarships or other research scholarships of similar or higher value than the research assistantship, subject to the discretion of the research assistantship committee.


Monthly salary for assistantship at the rate 10,000 baht per month .

Number of Scholarships

58 per year

Application time

For the first semester: February to April
For the second semester: July to September


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