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Thesis Preparation and Submission
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Dissertation Thesis / Thematic Paper
Thesis / Thematic Paper Components
Thesis / Thematic Paper Writing
Steps for Thesis /
Thematic Paper Process
(Doctoral Degree
Steps for Thesis /
Thematic Paper Process
(Master' s Degree
Thesis/Thematic Paper Committee
The Report and Assessment of a Student's Progress and Research Performance for Thesis / Thematic Paper
The Thesis / Thematic Paper Defense Committee is unable to meet for the examination on set date
Criteria of Thesis / Thematic paper Defense Examination Evaluation
Submitting thesis or thematic paper examination result
Cancellation of thesis or thematic paper examination result
Publication of master's degree research work for requesting approval for completion of the Master's degree
Publication of Ph.D Thesis research work for requesting approval for completion of the doctoral degree
Thesis/Thematic paper Available
Thesis preparation and submission
Home > Steps for Master' s Degree Program
Student must receive approval from his / her advisor to register for the thesis credit
Program Director submits the name of the student's thesis / thematic paper proposal advisor to FGS
(a regular instructor with Ph.D. degree or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor)
(Form GR.44)
FGS appoints the thesis / thematic paper proposal advisor
The thesis / thematic paper proposal advisor gives student advice on his/her thesis / thematic paper proposal and arranges the thesis / thematic paper proposal defense exam within 2 semesters starting from the student's initial registration for a thesis / thematic paper. The thesis / thematic paper proposal advisor nominate the thesis / thematic paper proposal co-advisor when the defense exam date is set.
Program Director submits the name list of the Thesis / Thematic Paper Proposal Examination Committee and sets up the examination date to FGS within 15 working days before examination date (Form GR.39)
(Number of committee members is at least 2 members with Ph.D. degree or have at least an academic title of no less than associate professor, the chair of the committee must be a thesis or thematic paper proposal advisor, and the member must be a regular instructor or external examiner)
FGS appoints the Thesis / Thematic Paper Proposal Examination Committee and approves the examination date
Student takes the Thesis / thematic paper proposal examination at the same date specified in the document of the Thesis / Thematic Paper Proposal Examination Committee appointed by the Dean of FGS
Program Director reports the thesis / thematic paper proposal examination evaluation to FGS within 15 working days after examination date (Form GR.33)
Program Director submits the name list of the Thesis / Thematic Paper Advisory Committee of at least 2 members and the thesis title to FGS (Form GR 1)
(The Thesis / Thematic Paper Committee consists of one thesis / thematic paper major advisor and at least one co-advisor who is regular instructor or external person with Ph.D degree or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor)
FGS appoints the Thesis / Thematic Paper Advisory Committee and approves the thesis title
The Thesis / Thematic Paper Advisory Committee gives student advice on the theoretical concepts, research methodology and analytical processes, and helps solve relation problem that may occur / gives student advice on the writing of a thesis or thematic paper and the language used / checks for and prevents dishonesty in thesis / thematic paper by contacting student and checking students's progress in research performance
  • Student whose research thesis involves human beings must undergo training or courses in the area of Ethics in Human Research provided by the Faculty of Graduate Studies according to the curriculum. (Details are available on

  • Student must present research project to The Mahidol Univertsity Institutional Review Board (MU-IRB) within 90 days after thesis/thematic paper proposal examination, and before the beginning of conducting research, for any faculties that have no Institutional Review Board of Ethics in Human Research committee.

  • Student whose research involves animals for experimental purposes must gain direct approval from the Research Management and Development Department.

  • Any original documents certifying any research animals for experimental animals for experimental involving human beings or animals for experimental purposes must be attached in the complete thesis's appendix / thematic paper's appendix
Student conducts research and contacts major advisor in person or other ways at least once per month. Student must report his/her progress and research performance to major advisor, the major advisor will assess the progress in research performance and gives the result P/S/U to Program Director and Dean of FGS every semester until the thesis is completed. (Form GR 42)
Changes in the thesis / thematic paper title and the advisory committee can be done by submitting the request to the major advisor, Program Director and Dean of FGS (Form AS-3-10 General Request)
Student who is qualified to take the thesis / thematic paper defense examination must:
  • Spend no less than 90 days (including holidays) doing the thesis or no less than 45 days (including holiday) doing the thematic paper starting from the day when the thesis or thematic paper title and the Thesis or Thematic Paper Advisory Committee are approved by the Dean of FGS

  • Pass every course acording to the criteria of the curriculum and obtain no lower than a 3.00 GPA.

  • Pass the English language or Foreign language proficiency requirement as set by FGS

  • Pass the Comprehensive Examination for a plan B Master's degree student. (Form GR 27 and Form GR 36)

  • Be approved by the Thesis or Thematic Paper Advisory Committee.

  • Submit the thesis or thematic paper manuscript and abstract written in the approved language, to the Thesis or Thematic Paper Defense Committee for reading at least 15 working days before the examination date
Program Director will determine the examination date and submit the name list of the Thesis / Thematic Paper Defense Committee to Dean of FGS for approval and appointment (Form GR 2)
The Thesis / Thematic paper Defence Examination Committee consists of at least 3 committee members (holding Ph.D. degree or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor)
(1) major advisor (2) at least one external examiner and (3) co-advisor or a regular instructor.
FGS confirms the requirements for taking thesis / thematic paper defense and Dean of FGS appoints the thesis Defense Committee.
The committee must assess student's caliber in conducting research for his/her thesis / thematic paper, his / her know how of the research content, presentation ability in speaking and writing as well as intelligence in answering questions and finalize the exam result of thesis / thematic paper
The thesis / thematic paper examination will be an examination open to a general audience and be set at the same date specified in the document of the Thesis / Thematic Paper Defense Committtee appointed by the Dean of FGS
If any member of the defense committee is absent, the following should be carried out.
  1. FGS. must postpone the defense exam date until a new exam date is set.
  2. If the defense exam can not be postponed, the defense exam can proceed but the Chair of the Defense Committee must notify the Program Director of the problem and then submit it to Dean of FGS. The absent committee member must later evaluate the thesis. The final exam result must be approved by the Dean of FGS.

  • The Chair of the Defense Committee must finalized the exam result of the thesis / thematic paper
  • The defense committee who is a thesis / thematic paper major advisor must inform the student of the result of the thesis defense exam, in written form within 5 working days after examination date and submit that result to the Dean of FGS via the Program Director within 15 working days after examination date (Form GR.3)

Students whose research involves human beings or animals for experimental purposes must officially notify the termination of the project to the Institutional Review Board committee.
The process of preparing the original copy of thesis / thematic paper and request for thesis / thematic paper checking format service.
  1. Student must prepare the original copy of thesis / thematic paper in the format required by FGS.

  2. Student should submit the Cover Page, Entitled Page, Approval Page and Abstract Page to the staff of Academic Services Section, FGS, Salaya Campus to have those checked before the defense examination date. This provides student to be able to bring Entitled Page and Approval Page to the Thesis / Advisory Committee and The Thesis / Defense Examination Committee to sign after passing the defense exam. (result : PASSED)

  3. After passing the defense exam. Student should bring the original copy of thesis / thematic paper (hard copy and electronic file) to the staff of Academic Services Section, FGS. to have the thesis / thematic paper format checked. Allow at least two working days for service.

  4. As for the English Thesis Abstract / Thematic paper Abstract, student should have the Language Center Staff (at the 2nd floor of Graduate Studies Building, Salaya Campus) checked for the English Grammar, the English Abstract should be in a double space format.

  5. After having the English Abstract checked by the Language Center Staff, and having corrected, student should submit the final version of the abstract together with Entitled Page and Approval Page to the Dean of FGS to sign. The Dean of FGS will be the last person to sign after other committee members, Program Director and Dean of Faculty where the program held have signed.

  • Student must submit the complete thesis or thematic paper (one original and one copy) plus CD in word file and PDF file to the FGS within 21 days (including holidays) of passing the defense exam with "passed" result. A fee will be charged for late submission 200 bath / working day. The "delayed submission" can not last more than 90 days (including holidays) after the "PASSED" result.

  • Cancellation of thesis or thematic paper examination result if the delayed submission of the complete thesis or thematic paper and CD has not been received by the FGS within 90 days (including holidays) after the "passed" result, the FGS will cancel the thesis or thematic paper examination result. If the student still wants to receive the degree, the student must register and start the entire processes of the thesis or thematic paper again.

Student must submit the evidence for Thesis Publishing for Graduation.Student must prepare the original copy of thesis / thematic paper in the format required by FGS.
  1. Published documents or letter of acceptance from academic journal or
  2. Present thesis in academic conference which has proceedings
Program Director must submit the request for student's graduation to FGS (Form GR 5)
FGS gives consideration regarding referrals to the Mahidol University Council for authorization of degree
Student is awarded the degree and then she/he can get certificate of Graduation and Transcript