Due date for graduation

Please be informed that students who want to graduate in the academic year 2012 must fulfill the requirements for graduation by April 19, 2013 :
  1. Complete study according to curricula structures and obtain the grading record satisfying the requirements of the particular program.
  2. Fulfill the program requirements with a GPA of at least 3.00
  3. Meet the English language proficiency requirement.
  4. Students in Master’s program Plan B must pass a comprehensive examination.
  5. Pass a thesis/ thematic paper examination with the result “PASSED”
  6. Submit the complete thesis/ thematic paper and CD.
  7. Submit published documents.
  8. Program Director submit GR 5 Requesting Degree to Faculty of Graduate Studies, Salaya by April 19, 2013 (for Graduate Diploma and Higher Graduate Diploma Programs : submit GR 34 Requesting Diploma)